Digital Currency

Why Digital Deutsche Mark (DDM / DM)?
Powering the next evolution of global finance and commerce
DDM / DM is a blockchain enabled digital currency that serves as a medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value
  • DDM / DM is a stable safe haven digital currency fully backed 1:1 by gold reserves/fiat assets for each unit issued representing unrivalled store of value unaffected by market risks, liquidity crunches and/or black swan events.
  • Cryptographically secured DDM / DM issued into circulation is pegged at 1 DDM / DM=1 euro or equivalent
  • DDM / DM operates on an open source, transparent, decentralized, pseudo anonymous, multi-party secured blockchain ecosystem and to process 2,000 transactions per second with low fess
  • DDM / DM may be freely transferred, stored, spent or redeemed/exchanged for the underlying gold/fiat currency reserves pursuant to issuer's published terms and conditions